Yesterday I was on this jetty as the tide came in, it is called Kynoches Foreshore and was once apparently used to bring in starch to make acetone. This would then have been used to make cordite for explosives! A serene place today full of bird song and the hiss of rushes.
So I wrote a little poem and tagged it here with but since this is a blog I thought it was just the place to put the poem too.
The boxes will not be out for too much longer, as I will collect them in by 1st October but so far there have been over 500 poems with a similar number of drawings and all by passersby.
Kynoches Foreshore
When the rushes stand silent
And the tide runs slack and low
Seven herons will sing
Of lost precious things
Caught by the muds below
And it is said beneath a sintering moon
The seven herons will conspire
To compare their cache
Of broaches and clasps
All caught in the sump of the mire
And if by chance
By the moon you glance
And see the herons converge
Then delay not a mo
Steel through the rushes below
But then retreat before the tidal surge
And your satchel will lay heavy with treasures
And your heart will beat wild in your chest
That is
Unless you are spied
Then the herons will guide
Your trespass to the young in their nest
Now only reeds will sprout from your fingers
And salt lick the locks of your shores
As seven herons assess
Beneath a moons deep caress
The addition of your jewels to their hoard